I was mentored in grade school and high school by professors at Bradley University, where my dad was an administrator. Except, we didn't call it mentoring then -- they just helped me with science fair projects, which still seem to provide lessons about how to present work at conferences as talks and posters.
I attended Illinois after attending a summer camp on engineering there (JETS).
After briefly attending Yale, I worked at BBN (I interviewed with BBN while at Illinois, and told to get more education). While at BBN I took CS classes part time at Brandeis and WPI. I attended and graduated from CMU in AI and Psychology. My main advisor was in computer science, but physically and academically I was in psychology where I did an AI and Psychology degree. I believe that I am the only graduate of that 5-year program. I thus graduated from 21st grade.
I taught at the U. of Nottingham in England for 6 years. My humour was diagnosed there as British. I thus maintain some humour materials:
- notes on Chuck Norris, scientist, with some novel facts
- notes on modesty
- Quotes from Straight Man, a novel about a Penn State campus
- Academic Coach Taylor, which I use in teaching (there is more, but you do have to do your own research)
I helped start the College of IST (initially, School of IST) at Penn State. During one of its growth spurts I started a guide to living in State College. It is currently muchly out of date.
I'm not sure where to put this, so I put this here: How to help someone who is actively dying
There are more Frank Ritter's than I thought there would be, perhaps more than there needs to be. Here are the ones I've collected so far.
- Frank Ritter Memorial Ice Arena, named, perhaps, for my future contributions to society.
- Another Frank Ritter, the photographer and artist
- Another Frank Ritter, the journalist
- Another Frank Ritter, the private investigator
- Another Frank Ritter, the Daoist instructor
- Another Frank Ritter, someone whose name I've looked up to numerous times in my life, as have you, too, probably.
- Another Frank Ritter, a Vietnam War vet in NC.
- Another Frank Ritter, an IT guy in SC
- Another Frank Ritter, an IT guy in Atlanta
- Another Frank Ritter, referenced as a police sargent
- Another Frank Ritter, a neurologist
- Another Frank Ritter, a manufactoring manager
- Another Frank Ritter, an ice arena
- Another Frank Ritter, a German, with a German name.
- Another Frank Ritter, a personal care attendant at CRI
- Another Frank Ritter, formerly from Boyerstown
- Another Frank Ritter, funeral home founder
- Another Frank Ritter, a glass artist
- Another Frank E. Ritter, someone on facebook and on another site
- Another Frank Ritter, on a whole page from the Korean Facebook page of Ritters
- Another Frank Ritter, a German engineer
- Another Frank Ritter, a German on myspace
- Another Frank Ritter, a runner
- Another Frank Ritter, a fire officer
- Another Frank Ritter, a bomb disposal map reader
- Another Frank Ritter, a retired meat cutter
- Another Frank Ritter, husband of Gladys D. Ritter
- Another Frank Ritter, a German that likes suspensehorrorfilmgucker, presumably in Germany
- Another Frank "Paco" Ritter, who flies model planes
- Another Frank Ritter, a young (presumably HS in this reference) baseball (and football) player
- Another Frank Ritter, a journalist in Berlin
- Another Frank Ritter, who worked on MetroNorth Commute Railroad
- Another Frank Ritter, who is a little league baseball manager in FL
- Another Frank Ritter, who is a character in a novel instead of being a character in real life
- Another Frank Ritter, who is a steel drummer in TX (he is in the pictures that you have to scroll through)
- Another Frank Ritter, married to Cindy Ritter in Lake Havasu, AZ
- Another Frank Ritter, a high school teacher in Brownwood, TX
- A day in the life of a grad student
- A day in the life of a professor [note, I actually wrote this]
- The Ritter-Young Law: The importance of the task you work on is in direct proportion to the importance of the task you should be working on. This law was developed with Richard Young when he was younger.
- PHD comic, there is truth in this: by soon, I mean this weekend, and by we, I mean you.
- Crisp collection
- Other unusual collections:
This page has not been approved by the webmaster at Penn State, and does not necessarily represent the view of Penn State. Similar sites were not approved by the U. of Nottingham, which initially required such a disclosure (!).
Last updated 23nov24.