Design as a general process model
a design problem arises:
- postulate a solution
- build a model of the solution
- evaluate the model against the original requirement
- elaborate the model to produce a detailed specification of the solution (a form of "blueprint")
Design as problem solving
designer evaluates different options within a design space, considering trade-offs
- using a number of tools (e.g. design methods, design representations)
- using abstraction to consider critical features
J. Christopher Jones Design Methods: Seeds of Human Futures (1970)
"The fundamental problem is that designers are obliged to use current information to predict a future state that will not come about unless their predictions are correct. The final outcome of designing has to be assumed before the means of achieving it can be explored: the designers have to work backwards in time from an assumed effect upon the world to the beginning of a chain of events that will bring the effect about."
And it gets worse
"If, as is likely, the act of tracing out the intermediate steps exposes unforeseen difficulties or suggests better objectives, the pattern of the original problem may change so drastically that the designers are thrown back to square one" (Jones).
Contrast designing with scientific reasoning
The process of design is not linear
- involves
- iterations and backtracking
- revision of choices
Design is very different from analytical techniques that lie at root of scientific reasoning
Properties of wicked problems
no single convergent solution
no definitive formulation
difficulties of specifying needs
specification and design hard to separate clearly
understanding the problem is bound up with the ideas that we have about solving it
no stopping rules
solutions to wicked problems are not true or false but good or bad
lack of stopping rules = lack of any certain criteria that can be used to establish when the solution to a problem has been found such that any further work will not be able to improve upon it. e.g. software: lack of any quality measures that can be used to establish that any one system is the 'best' one possible
life cycle models etc, where the task of specification is followed neatly by that of design is rarely a realistic description of actual practices
software designs usually come in shades of grey in that there are usually no right or wrong solutions or structures
every wicked problem can be considered to be a symptom of another problem. Resolving discrepancy or inconsistency in a design may pose another problem in its turn.
e.g. in writing a computer program a choice of data structure that helps with resolving one problem may well present an entirely new difficulty later.
E.g. designing real time systems:
it may be possible to organise the system so that it can produce a response to one type of event within some required interval but the way that this is achieved may place such constraints upon the operation of the system that it will then be unable to meet some other demand in an adequate time.
frameworks (for software development)
aim is to produce plans so that software production can proceed
idea is to influence organisation of software development
2 types of design process structure
(1) life cycle forms, e.g. 'software life cycle'
e.g. 'waterfall model' (Royce, 1970)
- sequential process
- each activity is self contained iteration
- tasks and techniques for each phase readily identified
- i.e. software production is divided into a sequence of phases which can be divided into sub-phases
- strong management framework,
- setting of milestones,
- recording of progress,
- framework for development of documentation in stages
- task support,
- job content,
- formalisation,
- power and influence,
- personnel politics
* when design models become enshrined in procedures there is always a danger that such models may constrain creativity rather than support it
* rigidity of procedures
* problems with formalisation
* job content issues: division of tasks
* communication problems
* distance from users
* distance from requirements specification
view life-cycle models as descriptive frameworks rather than as prescriptive frameworks
(2) incremental forms
- develop system through creating a sequence of enhancements to a set of interim solutions
- prototyping, simulations, mock-ups (e.g. wizard-of-oz)
- ongoing user testing
User centred design
Human centred design
- technical experiment,
- easier involvement of end users in user-oriented evaluation tasks
- management, validity and reliability
- hard to fit into traditional management structures
- adequacy of prototype hard to establish
- does not have a well defined development path
Validation: are we building the right product?
needs analysis
Verification: are we building the product right?
test, evaluate, iterate, know your user